Thursday, January 21, 2021

"UNITY is a mirage!"

It is only in the imagination of people who don't know God that "unity" appears to be a possibility.  The only time there was true "oneness," true spiritual unity among those who lived on planet earth, was in the Garden of Eden BEFORE Adam and Eve sinned.  And the only time there will BE unity among all those on planet earth will be following the return of Jesus Christ, after His reign and the final defeat of Satan, after the final judgment, when those who have not believed in Jesus are cast into hell and those who have been saved by GRACE through faith in Jesus enter into the new heavens and the new earth, to live in the presence of God forever in a perfect world of HIS making.  Until then, there will be division.  What we are seeing in our country is sinful division caused by a rejection of His Word, His truth, by those without His Spirit.  Even those of us who have His Spirit still give into temptation and think, say and do things that are contrary to His perfect will.  Unity is a mirage.

I describe in my book, " ... the end.", those who have rejected God's truth, whom He has "given up" to do what they want to do:

"These declare their freedom from the mountaintops, all the while revealing their horrible bondage to sin.  They are spiritually dead and without hope.  They are broken cisterns without water.  And as they go to their destruction, they lead many with them on the broad road that leads to eternal death, while those of us who cry out with the good news of Jesus Christ and call people to repentance and faith in Jesus are declared to be judgmental bigots filled with hate.  Such IS the state of our world and of mankind."

"The end of this world as we know it will bring judgment on many, but it will be a new beginning for some, and the Bible tells us who these are.  They are those who know the true God and who by His grace, through the work of the Holy Spirit within them, confess their sin, trust in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for forgiveness, and who rest in God's promise of eternal life. 'The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.' (Romans 6:23)."

I conclude Chapter 1 with this:  "The 'scoffers' are here, as we proclaim the soon return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Many are being deceived, but in God's Word, the Bible, is truth so powerful that it can change not only your mind about these things, but also your heart toward God, your Creator.  God reveals these things to us so that we who by His grace are born again by His Spirit will be moved to set our hearts and minds on Him and live with hope in this world until the very end."

If you are discouraged, overwhelmed and frustrated, or if you think that we should all be on board the "unity train," realize that light has nothing to do with darkness.  The two cannot "COEXIST."  Darkness cannot exist in the presence of HIS light!  The closer we who believe draw to our Father in heaven, the more divided we will be from those who are going the opposite direction.  "Unity," without Christ, is a mirage.  It is a figment of the imagination of men.  It does not exist, and never will.  Stand for truth ... GOD's truth, and know that to be on HIS side is to be opposed to evil.  The issues before us are rarely a matter of opinion, but almost always a matter of principle, and your choices will be determined by where you get your principles ... from man or from God.

I urge you who believe in the one true God who reveals Himself in His creation, in His Son Jesus Christ, and in His Word to stand firm in His truth.  Do not waver.  For there will come a day when Jesus returns and separates the "sheep" from the "goats" ... a division that will be final, and in that day you will hear the Father say, "Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world" (Matthew 25:34).  Whatever you may be called to endure in this life in this world, it will all be worth it in " ... the end."

To purchase a copy of the book, " ... the end.", send an email to


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