Friday, February 5, 2021

"A 'Global Reset' without GOD!"

By now you may or may not have heard about the "Global Reset" that is underway.  Perhaps you heard something about it and thought it was one of those "conspiracy theories" and chose to ignore it.  I would encourage you to look it up and see what those in positions of power are planning for the human race and for the planet.  Having been "hidden" for some time, the current pandemic has become the catalyst for the nations of the world to come together through organizations like the World Economic Forum to "unite the world" in facing what they consider to be the main threats to the existence of mankind on this planet and "working together" to solve them.  Sounds good, doesn't it?

All of this is real.  It is happening.  In addition to the World Economic Forum, you can look up the Davos Agenda 2021.  Those with money and power, some in plain sight, some behind the scenes, are seeking to control the governments of the world and to bring them together through a common NEED:  health and safety.  When mixed with words like "equity" and "climate protection" and "social justice" and "gender equality" and other nice-sounding words and slogans, people are deceived into believing that the "agenda" is for the welfare of mankind.  Suddenly government control doesn't sound so bad ... until it becomes personal and you suddenly realize the freedom we once enjoyed has been taken away.

Are you depressed yet?  Take heart!  "OUR GOD REIGNS!!"  The agenda being enacted as we speak includes every part of human life, from economics to education, from social norms to social justice, from science to religion ... everything must be "reset" in order to eliminate Christianity!!  If that sounds paranoid, you have not yet understood that just as Satan worked for 2,000 years to eliminate the Jewish people before the Messiah, the Christ, could be born ... the one who would CRUSH HIS HEAD ... so Satan is at work not only to eliminate the Jewish people yet today, but also to eliminate those who know the Jewish Messiah, the fulfillment of God's promises, His Anointed King, JESUS, the eternal Son of God!

If you look up the agenda of these people it is exclusively secular.  "God" and "religion" have no place in their plans ... EXCEPT when needed to persuade "people of faith" that this is what "God" wants:  for everyone to work together for the good of mankind.  In their ignorance and spiritual blindness, they do not know that it is God's intention to use even their evil plans to accomplish His purpose to gather His chosen ones to Himself and then to pour out His wrath and judgment on the rest of mankind before establishing the reign of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem for a thousand years.

Examining God's Word to see the signs of Christ's soon return, many think we cannot know when Jesus will return.  But Jesus rebuked the people in His day for not discerning the signs of the times.  How much more should we be aware of what is happening in the world around us and how these events point to Jesus' return??  People often quote the phrase that says Jesus will come "like a thief in the night."  Listen to what Paul writes in I Thessalonians 5:3-4:

"While people are saying, 'There is peace and security,' then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman and they will not escape.  BUT YOU (believers) ARE NOT IN DARKNESS, brothers, for that day to surprise YOU like a thief.'"

The wise will understand what is coming on the world and will stand firm in their faith in Jesus Christ.  While the leaders of the world plan their "great reset," God is planning His own great reset!!!  But first, there will be a great apostasy, a great falling away of many who claim to believe in "a God," but do not know who He is and who do not trust in Jesus Christ alone for forgiveness and eternal life.  Many of these claim to be "Christians," but have no problem uniting with other religions in believing in a "generic god" who is impotent to intervene in the actions and plans of those who do not worship him/her/it.  This "generic god" does not exist, except in the imagination of people who are living without hope and without God (the one TRUE God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) in the world.

We who by God's grace know the one true God, and who trust in His Son Jesus Christ for salvation from the coming wrath of God, must live in the power of His Spirit to proclaim the truth, so long as He gives us breath!  There are yet some who need to hear the good news of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to be delivered from sin and death.  The Gospel is still the power of God for salvation for all who believe.  We must point out the work of Satan in the world today, but we must not be overcome by evil.  Instead, we must seek to build up the one true Body of Christ by speaking the truth in love, teaching, correcting, reproving and training those who believe in righteousness.  Jesus said, "I WILL build MY Church, and the gates of death (the gates of hades), will not stand against it!"

Jesus presents a picture of a Church that does not waver, that is not blown about by false teaching, and we must be that Church!!  Every true believer ... those who believe the Bible to be the very Word of God, who confess Jesus Christ as God in the flesh, who died on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of all who would believe, who rose again, ascended into heaven and who is coming again in power and glory ... every true believer must and will stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ by the power of our risen Lord within us.  Be aware of what is going on, and then dig deep, trusting in the Lord your God, knowing that "if God is for us, who can be against us?" (Romans 8:31).

Do not allow fear and anxiety to overwhelm you!  He is with His true children and He will never leave or forsake us.  Jesus Christ is Lord!!

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