Jesus Christ is returning to earth to gather His people and to bring judgment on the rest of mankind. The entire history of mankind, recorded in the Bible, the very Word of God, reveals God's plan step by step. Human history goes back approximately 5500-6000 years. Evolution is a lie. Creation by the Word of God is true. Before God said, "Let there be light!" He saw the end from the beginning. Nothing surprises God ... nothing!!
That means 2020 was not a surprise, and neither is 2021. The above paragraph includes several statements of truth, and yet many of those statements are rejected by the majority of the human race alive on the earth today. Deception is found at every level of human existence. If you don't believe this, you are being deceived. Jesus Christ is Lord ... yet another fact rejected by the great majority of people on this planet. People will believe in UFOs before they will believe in Jesus.
And we have now been presented the evidence that people will do virtually anything to "feel safe." So cruise lines will now REQUIRE vaccinations ... and that will be only the beginning. Over the past few years several thousand people in Sweden have received microchips implanted in their hands/wrists with all of their personal information recorded in it. They can use them to purchase anything. No more credit cards, passwords, etc. How convenient can you get?!! And the technology is being used to some degree in Spain, France, Germany, Japan and China.
But wait, here is the best part: if you are ever in an accident, or you have a medical emergency and cannot communicate, the chip will communicate for you! This is for your good ... REALLY!! This is for your safety ... REALLY!! There is so much fraud and identity theft going on that you would be foolish not to protect your finances. The answer?? A microchip. Still think this sounds far-fetched?? Are you sleeping?
The Antichrist will have a "Vice President," a helper to oversee the earth's population. This "false prophet" and the system around these two evil personages will cause all, "small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast (the global economic system) or the number of its name" (Revelation 13:16-17).
It will happen, perhaps sooner than most imagine ... and truly, there is nothing you or I can do about it. "How close are we?" I am sometimes asked. God knows. We who believe God's Word to be true are told to be ready and to be living for Christ and proclaiming His kingdom until He comes. So what do we do? We tell people about the one true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We study God's Word so we know what to expect as we see these things unfold before our eyes. We preach Christ and Him crucified and live as followers of Jesus Christ, gathering with those who believe in Jesus and encouraging one another. We stand firm in our faith, believing the Bible to be God's Word and growing in our knowledge and understanding of God's will and purpose. We reach out to others in the name of Christ, showing God's love and sharing the Gospel, calling people to repent and believe, trusting God to bring new life to those whom He has chosen to be His. Jesus knows His sheep and His sheep will hear the Good Shepherd's voice. This is no time to stop testifying, to be quiet, to panic, to give up!
We are not here to save the planet or to change the world. We are here to preach Christ, the One who is the Way and the Truth and the Life. NO ONE comes to the Father except through Him. Jesus entered into Jerusalem on the colt of a donkey ... last time. The next time He will come on a white horse from His throne in heaven. The first time He was crucified ... according to God's plan to redeem His chosen ones through the sacrifice of His Son. The next time every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ IS Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
What will happen next? You can read it in His book. You NEED to read it in His book. What will the "mark of the beast" be? Watch. We may already know. God DOES know. To those who know Jesus, He says, "Fear not! I am with you!!"
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