Day #153
Scripture Reading: Psalms 81 - 83 …
As Asaph writes his Psalms he calls out to God:
"O God, do not keep silent; be not quiet, O God, be not
still" (83:1). This should be our prayer today. We know
that God is always at work and we don't have to beg God to DO something,
because God is always doing something. Yet, the desire of our hearts
ought to be the same as that of Asaph in Psalm 83: "Let them know
that You, whose name is the LORD - that You alone are the Most High over all
the earth" (83:18). Few people express this desire today … that
the true God, our Creator, the "God of Jacob" (81:4), would be
known by all people.
Watching the events going on in Israel, and the
nations around Israel who state their desire to destroy the Jewish people, is a
constant reminder that Satan and the enemies of the one true God are opposed to
all that God is doing and plans to do. Listen to the words of Psalm
83:4-5: "'Come,' they say, 'let us destroy them as a nation, that
the name of Israel be remembered no more.' With one mind they plot together;
they form an alliance against you …" So Asaph prays that
God would not keep silent "so that men will seek Your name, O
LORD" (83:16).
As we approach the return of Jesus Christ to earth,
we who by His grace know God through the testimony of His Word and Spirit, and
who by His power at work in us have placed our faith in Jesus Christ alone for
salvation, "sing for joy to God our strength; (and) shout aloud
to the God of Jacob!” (81:1). When we worship our God
we are not offering praise to an "unknown god,” (Acts 17:23), but
to the God who has made Himself known. God said to all of the descendants
of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who were His people outwardly, "Hear, O my
people, and I will warn you - if you would but listen to me, O Israel" (81:8).
God said again, "You shall have no foreign
god among you; you shall not bow down to an alien god. I am the LORD your
God …" (81:9-10). "BUT, my people would not listen
to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their
stubborn hearts to follow their own devices" (81:11-12). This is
similar to what Paul writes of the unbelievers in his day who pursued sin and
refused to turn from it. He writes in Romans 1 that God "gave
them over," God allowed them to condemn themselves, for their
evil hearts knew only the way of sin and refused to listen to His warnings.
Still, God was at work, saving a remnant by His grace.
So it is today. In the name of "love" those
who claim to know the one true God allow others to remain in the darkness of
other religions because they believe Jesus wants them to "love" them.
Of course He does, but what does "love" mean? It does not
mean coming to them as though each of us is entitled to our own beliefs and
"respectfully listening" to the "faith" of others.
They do not know God! They are perishing!! How long will
those in the visible church today stand idly by, engaging others in endless
"dialogue," while they face eternity in hell? What are WE
doing? What am I doing to proclaim the good news and to warn others of
God's coming judgment?
Asaph testifies that "God presides in the
great assembly; He gives judgment among the 'gods' …" (82:1).
Amidst all the religions of the world, God holds court. And He
calls those who know Him to "defend the cause of the weak and
fatherless; (and to) maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. (To) rescue the weak and needy; (and) deliver
them from the hand of the wicked" (82:2-4). Whom is he
describing? Most think it is those with physical needs, and we are
certainly to have compassion for those who are weak, fatherless, poor,
oppressed and needy … but there is more! What is WORSE than all of that
are those who are SPIRITUALLY weak and fatherless, who are spiritually poor and
weak and needy and who are trapped by the evil in themselves and in the world
and the evil one.
Paul says to his young friend, Timothy, "The
Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to
teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in
the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the
truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the
devil, who has taken them captive to do his will" (II Timothy
2:24-26). THAT is the "love" Jesus calls His
disciples to have for others. Love does not allow others to perish
without warning them of God's coming judgment and offering them the only escape
through faith in Jesus Christ.
O how I long for Jesus to return, and yet I grieve
for the masses of people who ignorantly march toward eternal death. Like
Asaph and others who have gone before me, I pray, "O God, do not keep
silent; be not quiet, O God, be not still …" (83:1) … and
then he prays that God would consume His enemies and the enemies of His people,
that He would "cover their faces with shame so that men will seek Your
name, O LORD. May they ever be ashamed and dismayed; may they perish in
disgrace. Let them know that YOU, whose name is the LORD - that YOU alone
are the Most High over all the earth!" (83:16-18).
As we who believe, who by God's grace have received
the gift of eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ (a faith that HE has
worked in our hearts by His Word and Spirit) … as we sing for joy to God our
strength, may we also be busy proclaiming God's truth, warning those who remain
in the darkness of God's coming judgment as we proclaim the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, offering forgiveness and life to all who believe in Him. May God
use us to call His chosen ones to Himself as we seek to bring glory to His
"Father in heaven, praise and honor and glory
be to Your Name! I sing for joy to You, O LORD, my Savior and my Rock.
You are my refuge and my strength, my ever-present help in times of
trouble and my joy and hope throughout my days on this earth. Without You
there would be no joy, no hope and no peace, and without Your grace in Jesus
there would be no LIFE, for anyone. Father, use me to proclaim Your
truth and deal with Your enemies and mine, in Your time and in Your way, that
all the world may know that You alone are the Most High over all the earth!
In Jesus' name, Amen"
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